Public Spaces in Minas Gerais State, Brazil: A chronology on planned visions in the city of Belo Horizonte

The article explores distinct appropriations of public spaces beyond the planned visions in Minas Gerais, particularly in its Capital, Belo Horizonte. The study focuses on certain moments of the development process since its creation as a new planned city in the end of the 19th Century up to current days facing pandemic times. In this process, concepts related to urban planning ideas were sought by governments considering demands imposed. Between ideal versus real even with the intention of control the use of public spaces was defined by communities. The key issue as a contribution to this pre-event of the FUPS 2021 2nd Conference is to reflect about the concepts of public space embedded in the urban proposals since the creation of the city and their materialisation over time in Belo Horizonte. From past to present with a chronological sense, first focusing on the initial plan defined by a commission of technicians was presented. This period began in 1892, with the work of the Study Commission for the new capital, changed to the Construction Commission in 1894, until the inauguration of the city on December 12, 1897. Next the consolidation process of the city as the new capital in the 1930/1940s was explored. At the end of this period a revision of the initial plan was proposed. Between the 1940s and 1970s the ideal was linked to the Modern Movement with the realisation of the Pampulha neighbourhood and other modern urban arrangements. As an inflection point, in the middle of this period, in 1964, the military coup d’état consolidated restrictions of democracy, already since the beginning of the 1960s. During the 1960s and 1970s a new master plan was concepted to the modern metropolis that was constituted. Next during the 1980s and 2000s the concern with preservation of the Cultural Heritage was placed as well a new master plan was developed with community participation. In this period, a new Federal Constitution was implemented, with the end of the military dictatorship, in 1988, and the democracy reinstalled in Brazil. The following passages inserted the ideas of urban planning in the 21st Century with the paradigm of building cities for people in the first place. Another master plan was developed in this period. Currently, these Covid- 19 pandemic times with lockdown, added with several setbacks in the federal government, create new challenges to thinking about public spaces with planning. These issues are addressed in order to continue previous urban studies in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Written with grants from CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG.

Keywords: Urban Planning, Urban History, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Public Spaces.

Ver: Ranjbar, E., & Pourjafar, M. (Eds.) (2022). Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Future of Urban Public Spaces (FUPS2021).



Comparative approaches on urban planning: Alvar Aalto’s assistant from Italy – an interview with Vezio Nava

The interview with Vezio Nava was made in Helsinki on 24 June 2019. This interview is linked to a research on urban planning titled “Comparative Approaches on Urban Planning: Research and Learning on Public Spaces, Brazil and Finland” that involves the Aalto University (Finland) and the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil). The research work takes into account a continuity of previous studies with Helena Teräväinen (Aalto University) and includes a comparative analysis on cities in Brazil and Finland. From this interview, the Riola church’s project in Italy and an overview on the urban proposals developed by Alvar Aalto were presented alongside the everyday life in the Aalto Studio. Vezio Nava was born in Rome, Italy, in 1936. He commenced his architectural studies in Rome but graduated from the Helsinki University of Technology in 1964. After moving to Finland in 1960 he worked in Alvar Aalto’s Bureau for more than 20 years: when Aalto died in 1976 he continued with Elissa Aalto. He participated in several projects, with a leading role in the Riola Church project in Italy. The interview was prepared by Fabio Jose Martins de Lima, Jussi Rautsi, Helena Marja Teräväinen

Acknowledgements to Alvar Aalto Foundation, Aalto University, CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG

Ver:  Lima, F. J. M. D., Rautsi, J., & Teräväinen, H. M. (2021). Comparative approaches on urban planning: Alvar Aalto’s assistant from Italy — an interview with Vezio Nava. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE, 26(2), 241-256.


Urbanismo no Brasil

Rede de pesquisa, organizada em 1992, vem desenvolvendo com apoio do CNPq, o levantamento documental do urbanismo e planejamento urbano do final do séc. XIX aos anos 60. Reúne pesquisadores em oito cidades brasileiras: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Niterói e Vitória.
Início em 1992. Situação: em andamento.

Integrantes: Maria Soares de Almeida – Coordenador / Célia Ferraz de Souza – Integrante / Ana Fernandes – Integrante / Eneida Maria Souza Mendonça – Integrante / Fábio José Martins de Lima – Integrante / Fernando Diniz Moreira – Integrante / Marco Aurélio A. de Filgueiras Gomes – Integrante / Marlice Nazareth Soares de Azevedo – Integrante / Vera F. Rezende – Integrante / Maria Cristina da Silva Leme – Integrante.